Saturday, April 15, 2017

Do Not Beat Your Wife Because They Are Connected To Your Success - Mr Ibu Advices Men

Mr ibu advices men to stop beating their wife

The Popular Nigerian Veteran Nollywood comic actor, John Okafor (Mr Ibu) has adviced men not to beat their wives because women are connected to their husband’s success.

He made the statement in a recent interview.

He said :

“My mother spoilt me so much while she was alive and she also taught me a lot of things. I flaunt my wife on social media because of the orientation I had.
Women should be respected and I am one of those that respect women so much. I believe it is a sin to beat a woman. God removed a rib from a man to create a woman which means that women are connected to men spiritually.
Whenever you raise your hand against a woman, you beat your joy, success, business, peace in your family. Watch the position of any man that beats his wife and you would know what I am talking about.
Praise your wife and tell her how beautiful she is. Buy things to make her happy because her happiness could influence your business. I love my wife with everything I have.
Our women need to be praised. I work hard while she stays at home to take care of our children. I don’t regret anything I spend on my wife. If I am outside Nigeria, I always shop for her and I buy things like a blind man because she deserves it.”

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